Another slight uptick in BENECO rates seen in August


INCREASED charges have led to another Benguet Electric Cooperative (BENECO) uptick in member-consumer-owner (MCO) bills in August.

From the P9.4695 per kilowatt-hour residential rate in July, this increased to P9.5632/kWh in August, reflecting an increase of P0.0937/kWh in the power bills of consumers.

The rate increase came from increases in the transmission and systems loss charges in the power bills of MCOs.

The transmission charge of P0.8334/kWh in July increased to P0.8719/kWh in August, or an increase of P0.0385/kWh for the said period.

Meanwhile, Beneco’s systems loss charge of P0.5935/kWh in July increased to P0.6108/kWh in August, or an increase of P0.0173/kWh during the same period.

The electric cooperative also saw increases in its low voltage rates for both commercial spaces and public buildings.

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